
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Works for Me Wednesday: Dry Skin Weapons

I've never participated in Works for Me Wednesday, hosted by We Are THAT Family, but I thought I'd give it a try this week!

It's been frigid cold here in Knoxville lately, and for me, that means Dry skin. Yes, with a capital "D." My face and hands dry up like the desert when the weather turns this cold, which seems a bit ironic to me (don't you think?). But, thanks to some very generous friends and family, I've had the softest hands I can remember in January. See, I got lots of lotion-y goodness for Christmas. So much so, that I've spread out my gifts around my house and at work, so I've been able to keep hyper-moisturized since the beginning of the year. Here's what I use, and Works for Me!

First, I have to say, I don't sacrifice my hot shower for anything. I know my skin wouldn't be as dry if I took cooler showers, but it just isn't going to happen. Period.

Now that that's out of the way, here is my daily moisturizing routine. After my hot shower (see above), I use Cetaphil's Ultra Hydrating Lotion on my face. I don't normally use facial moisturizer, as I have pretty oily skin, but in these alligator days of winter, even I need a little (ok a lot!) of help in this area. I put this on as soon as I get out of the shower because it helps retain moisture longer, and to give it plenty of time to be absorbed into my skin before I put on my make up. (This wasn't a gift, but it's important, so I'm including it!)

Next, I focus on my hands and elbows. My wonderful hubby got me this Dionis lotion from Cracker Barrel after I used it there before Christmas. If you've never eaten at a Cracker Barrel, go there NOW and get you some biscuits. Also, check out the restrooms (located under the big traffic light...I'm serious), and the lotions they keep stocked by the sink. We stopped there en-route to somewhere while we were traveling this fall, and I tried the lotion for the first time. I came out of the bathroom talking about much I loved it, and wouldn't you know, it showed up in my stocking! It's light, but very moisturizing, and the vanilla scent is good enough to eat. I keep this lotion in the bathroom.

{$10.99 from Cracker Barrel}

Eventually I do have to go to work, and I'm a big believer in drinking lots of water. (I suppose the water-drinking is part of my dry skin weaponry, as well, but my point here is to talk about my favorite lotions...but the water helps, too!) Anyway, as I'm sure you know, lots of water means lots of trips to the restroom, which means washing my hands 3-4 times a day at work. So, to help keep my hands silky smooth, I brought my Christmas gift from my college roommate with me to work. Natalie got me shea body butter from The Body Shop, and I LOVE it! It smells yummy and immediately restores moisture to my clean-but-dry hands. I honestly don't think I could get through the day without this stuff!

{$20.00 from The Body Shop}

 And, if, for some reason I am not at home or at work, I have a trusted long-time friend I keep in my purse who is always there for me when I need her. Please reserve your judgement of my use of "old lady" products until you have tried this out for yourself. I keep a travel tube of it in my purse at all times, and everyone I've let use has LOVED it. And it's only $1 in the trial size section at Wal-Mart. That's right...It's Gold Bond Ultimate Healing Lotion. 

{$1.00 for the 1 oz size at Wal-Mart}

This stuff absolutely saves my life when I'm away from other products. Wonderful I tell ya! Just wonderful!

Lastly, before I lay my head down to sleep, I pamper myself with a product from my favorite bath store E.V.E.R. Bath Junkie is a store guessed it...Bath Junkies! I could write a whole post on how awesome this place is (and I probably will sometime soon, actually), but for now I'll just rave about their Whipped Cream hand/cuticle lotion and how it's the perfect way to end my day. I slather on a small amout (a little goes a LOOOONG way) and fall asleep with the sweet scent of "Sugar Plum Fairy" on my soft mitts. What's "Sugar Plum Fairy"? Well, at Bath Junkie, you get to pick your scent (and your color!) for your products, and "Sugar Plum Fairy" is my current favorite. It's a blend of sugar plum, raspberry, and Pink Sugar, and it's to-die-for. (and I apologize for not having a's a relatively new product, and I couldn't find any pictures online. I tried taking some last night, but I was lacking the energy to get out the good camera, and the point-and-shoot pictures were just too bad to acknowledge...)

So, there you have it! My dry skin arsenal. It definitely Works for Me!



P.S. Don't forget that today is the last day to enter the contest over at Brown Eyed Belle!

1 comment:

Anne said...

Thanks for the great tips!