
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lord willin' and the creek don't rise

There's a saying common all over the South: "The Lord willin' and the creek don't rise." Here's your context: "Will you be coming over for supper on Sunday?" "Lord willin' and the creek don't rise." It means yes, assuming nothing crazy happens between now and then.

Like the creek rising.

{both via}

Well, the creek rose here in Knoxville on Monday. And though it wasn't anything like the devastation Nashville saw last Spring, it was the worst flooding in Knoxville in 10 years.

{all three via a facebook friend}
There was pretty significant damage in North Knoxville, and I know a lot of people are still mopping up their cars and homes that were damaged by the flood. Thankfully those nearest and dearest to me are on high enough ground that we didn't suffer any damage. But it's scary to think how much water can accumulate in a few short hours.

There were also tornado warnings all over the area on Monday, and one close enough to my office that we were evacuated to the reel room in the center of the building. One coworker said that such an evacuation hadn't happened in the 10 years she's worked here.

Monday was quite the exciting day.

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Melanie said...

YES!!!! Here too, but not NEARLY as bad as what you all got! I'm in Johnson City (stopping by from our east TN FB group) :)

LOVE your blog design!!!

have a great day!
Melanie :)

Melanie said...

YES!!!! Here too, but not NEARLY as bad as what you all got! I'm in Johnson City (stopping by from our east TN FB group) :)

LOVE your blog design!!!

have a great day!
Melanie :)

Eva said...

HA, it's the saying come true!