
Friday, December 10, 2010

The Fourteenth Day of Christmas

Day 14: Oprah's Favorite Things: What item(s) would you want if you were in the audience?

Oprah gave away quite the collection of loot this year. Here's what I want most out of her "Ultimate Favorite Things" list:

{all photos from}

(and yes, I'd totally wear the sparkly Uggs!)

Why did I leave off the Volkswagen Beetle? 


I'd rather have this: 

{Honda Crosstour}

What did you love on Oprah's list? What would you replace?
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Melanie's Randomness said...

Those earrings & cookware is so pretty!!! She does know her good stuff!! =)

Melanie's Randomness

Emmy said...

Now that would be an Oprah I would love to be at