
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Days 3 & 4: Clouds & Something Green

Sunday was an absolutely CLOUDLESS day, which I thought would be a fun twist on the theme for Day 3. And, in case this photo doesn't make this painfully obvious, my personal goal for this challenge is to have a photo for each day, not necessarily to take the photo on the specified day. Maybe that's cheating, but I hope you'll love me anyway :)

And, for Day 4: Something Green, I planned on using the second picture, but got distracted by the first, so I decided to use both. The first picture is of our Big Green Egg, the most amazing grill/brick oven/this-means-hubs-cooks-and-I-don't-have-to thing I've ever seen. Seriously, we've not had a bad meal on this grill! Food is so flavorful and juicy and amazing. I'm a big fan. The second picture is of this really unusual (for me anyway) hydrangea that my mom and I found at Kroger in Nashville. It's called "Vintage", and I think the combination of greens, purples and pinks is just gorgeous. I'm planning on weathering this inside this winter, and I hope I'll be able to keep it alive once I plant it in the spring. Hydrangeas have long been on my list of favorite flowers, and I think this particular color wins the top spot on the hydrangea hierarchy!
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1 comment:

Rose said...

I love the photo of the hydrangea. The colour combination is beautiful, don't think I've seen one like it!