
Monday, November 29, 2010

The Fifth Day of Christmas

Day 5: Favorite Holiday Movie/TV Show Special

So, technically I'm a little behind on this 12 days thing. Day 5 is the next one in the series, but since I don't ever blog on the weekends, our hosts are 2 days ahead of me. I hope forgiveness will be offered all around. It is the Christmas season, after all!

But, on to the task at hand: Favorite Holiday Movie/TV Show Special! Since there are technically two parts to this question, you're getting a two-part answer!

The truth is, I find it incredibly difficult to list just my one very favorite holiday movie. So I won't! Here are my top 5, in no particular order:

My favorite clip
White Christmas

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

The Muppet Christmas Carol

A Christmas Story

I have two very distinct favorites when it comes to TV specials. First:

A Charlie Brown Christmas

Rudoph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

What are your favorite Christmas movies and TV specials? Any must-sees that I left off my list?

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