
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Prayers for a hurting family

Again I must apologize for my extended absence. I only hope that I have not lost any of you due to my silence! I have been completely overwhelmed at work, and I've never had much free time outside of work, and unfortunately it means that I have neglected you. I hope you can forgive me!

On a much more serious note, I ask for prayers for a family I know (though distantly). I worked with Katie, aka mamapundit, for a little while in 2008-2009. She has since changed companies, but she is a beautiful wordsmith and I very sincerely enjoy reading her blog. In the past month and a half though, her blog has been filled with tales of the tragedy of her oldest son's drug abuse, dependence, and, sadly, his death. Please take a moment to say a prayer or send happy thoughts her way. Drug addiction is a serious demon. It is a disease. And there are none of us who have escaped the affects of the disease entirely. Unfortunately for Katie, it has taken her dear, sweet 18 year old son.

To further complicate the matter, Katie is 8 months pregnant. Please include prayers for her sweet baby-to-be, G (she refers to her children by their first initials on her blog).

Please also pray for protection for her and the entire family from internet trolls. Katie has received a lot of flack for "outing" her son's addiction since his overdose and assault. Pray that they will only receive good thoughts from the blog world in the wake of this tragedy.

I'm sorry for such a downer post. My heart just breaks for this family, and I wanted to reach out to everyone I know--and that includes you. Hug someone you love tonight.

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Rock, Paper, Scissors said...

The link says the account has been suspended.

ABC said...

I'm not sure why the link would say that--it is working for me. The URL is Thanks for letting me know.

Rock, Paper, Scissors said...

No apologies. It's your blog!!!

I am sorry for your friend's unfortunate experiences. What a tragedy on many accounts. I hope she can take mean peoples' comments with a grain of salt. People often say hurtful things without intending to or without all the facts.