
Friday, November 6, 2009


Today is the best day of the week. Actually, it's the best day of the last two weeks. Why? Because it's #coffeefriday. Yes, today is named with a Twitter hash tag. It's the biweekly occurance that coincides with pay day in my office. Two guys (know as @illway and @mock) started the #coffeefriday phenomenon by showing up one pay day with Starbucks and donuts to share. It's now grown into the highlight of every two weeks, and today is one of those days.

Mark (@mock) is typically the donut guy, but he's on PTO today, so I stopped by Krispy Kreme to grab 5 dozen of my favorite guilty pleasures Will (@illway) will be at work soon with coffee from a local shop called Old City Java (@oldcityjava). (are you noticing a trend here?)YUM.

Today, I'm thankful that it's Friday, and that it's #coffeefriday, and that Julie is coming to visit this weekend (but you'll hear more about that later, I promise!)

Happy Friday!

(and yes, it is necessary to refer to #coffeefriday only by using the hash tag. #coffeefriday is inextricably linked to Twitter. this is how it works.)

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